Thank you for visiting The Sausage Source. We stock all of your sausage making needs; we carry everything to make gourmet dinners to backyard barbecues memorable occasions. These include our famous premixed sausage seasonings, home & commercial meat grinders & sausage stuffers, award-winning barbecue sauces, spices and meat smokers.  We’ve made finding sausage making supplies easy and we’ll deliver it all right to your door.

     We are known throughout the Northeast and the world for our old-fashioned New England customer service. We take pride in the quality of our wares, and are continually searching for the best products at the best prices… our drive for customer satisfaction demands it. From our own USDA-approved sausage & jerky seasoning spice mixes to our commercial goods at near wholesale prices… we endeavor to supply our customers with the best “bang for the buck”. If you don’t see a product you seek, simply e-mail us your request.  We might have overlooked it for the website, but have it in the store. We hope your visit is an enjoyable one, but that you’ll also visit us at our retail store in scenic downtown Hillsborough, New Hampshire!

Warmest regards,
Rick & Kathie Brown

Gift Certificates are now available online!Click link above to view or order for your loved one!

A little about our sausage & jerky seasonings and spices:

Our sausage seasoning spice blends are the perfect secret recipe for your home sausage creations. You could spend countless hours poring over recipe books and perform endless searches on the web for sausage recipes, but a container of one of our sausage seasoning blends or jerky seasoning blends are all you really need. Our blends are a mixture of spices and extractives of spices that are carefully blended to give full flavor and allow the simple spooning of what you need on a per-pound basis. No measuring of spices needed, to then only find you are out of fennel or some exotic spice. The only requirement of using our premixed blends is a cooking teaspoon or tablespoon and a little love.  Our seasonings can be used with not only pork & beef, but with poultry, wild game & upland game as well simply by changing the meat / fat ratios.  We include this information in our kits and it is also available on our site under the Free Sausage Making Information link.

Our recipes are based on sausage taste sensations from a recipe book left to Rick Brown (The Sausage Source owner) in his grandmother Hazel’s will. The same book Rick and his grandmother spent countless hours with making their favorite sausage recipes. The book doesn’t look like much. It’s an early 1900’s brown leather covered notebook with worn edges. The pages are worn in places where time and good use met. The smell of anise, sage, allspice and fennel permeate the air when opened. Inside are recipes from the old country (Austria) and the ethnically-rich neighborhood where she lived where her friends from various countries passed their old world sausage recipes onto her. This was so popular in fact, it became en vogue to see if your recipes could make it into Hazel’s book! We will be adding more flavors and styles of sausage recipes as demand or time permits.